
An arcade multiplayer game made during GlobalGameJam.


Wavejump was made during the Globalgamejam2017 with a group of friend of mines. It was my second GGJ and I really enjoyed it and what was the product of it.

The concept

The theme of the jam was "Waves" so, after some brainstorming, we come up with the idea of a local multiplayer game about blobs making waves by jumping on the ground. The main mechanics was the character jump, and that had two important purpose:

  • Jump to land down of the ground to create a shockwave that can kill the player.

  • Jump to hop over the shockwave and defend yourself from the attackers.

The development

This part was really quick and good, we worked as a team and we had something playable quite early through the jam. The first sketch was a simpler version with only a type of character creating normal circular waves, as that was the core design. After that, since a lot of time was still available, we had the chance to polish and juice it to really make it a fun game:

  • A lot of graphical effects like the ground cracks and screenshake were added to improve the feel of the game.

  • We gave the players a bunch of different stages to let them explore the mechanics of the game.

  • Since the core game used very few colors we added different palettes to swap them randomly each stage.

  • We added the Super jump feature were the player can load a bigger jump by slowing himself down while charging

  • Two more characters that creates shockwaves of different shapes (triangular and square).

  • With all these features in place we reached the 48 hours of the Jam, so we close it very satisfied from the result.</li>

External Links

- Gameplay Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gX48s6ZBdTQ
- GlobalGameJam Page: https://globalgamejam.org/2017/games/wavejump
- Itch.io Page: https://bearsinmind.itch.io/wavejump