
A set of Web Tools to automate native crypto interactions.


Early 2021. Crypto was starting to gain popularity, and I stumbled upon it and started to become interested in this magical world. I got into that for the technical aspect of it, finding the possibility to fully automate finance-like aspect in a totally programmable way.

Since I was starting out, I didn't want to lose all my money in dumb ways, so I started small. Ethereum was really cool, but too pricey to experiment, so I didn't start there, but went to BNB instead. BNB chain is totally Ethereum compatible, but it had smaller fees and I could move a small amount of money that I would be ok to just lose or burn for the sake of it.

On BNB at that time, the trend was trading on Shitcoins, coins with a lifespan from 1 hour or so, to maximum a few days before the interest on that coin dies and everyone moves to the next silly named one. The goal to make a profit on shitcoin is to be fast and buy it as soon as it becomes tradable, and run out as soon as you are in profit because it can go to zero in any moment.

At first, I tried manually to do this kind of things, but it was too slow and I was just losing money. So I started to research on BscScan.comwhat was happening. The other cool thing that kept me interested in the crypto world is that everything is public. Every transaction, every wallet data, everything. So if you want to know what is going on, you can dig your way into chain data and you will eventually find out. This process made me realize that the timing that I was seeing of the other people trading this kind of coins were inhuman, so they must have automated it with code. And so I did.

NB: For context, I didn't become rich with this thing. I was using small amount of money because I was not dumb or rich enough to gamble more. If you want to try this, just consider any euro/dollar you use gone forever as soon as you convert it in crypto. If you can't afford to lose that money, don't use it.

First Iteration

The first iteration of this tool was just a small Python script, I gave it my private key so it could send transaction for me, and I was just feeding the coin address by hand when it was published. This make me a bit faster to buy, but I was still too slow and I needed to automate more.

Second Iteration

Still in a form of Python script, but now I could feed the address of the coin before it being tradable, and the script would sit and watch the chain data continuously scanning it to see when it was able to trade that, and instantly send the buy transaction. This was quite fast, but still feeding the address manually and I needed to keep myself on the watch for new coins constantly.

Third Iteration

Still pure scripts, but I added a Telegram Scanner that would automatically scan telegram to see whenever a new coin was about to launch, parse the telegram message, and add that address to its internal watch-list. It's starting be useful, but I still manually sold the coins.

Fourth Iteration

The last functional piece, now I added the ability to scan for the current price of whatever the script bought, and with a very dumb algorithm trigger sell transaction to run out with the money. The functional part was done. Now it's fully automated.

Last Iteration

Since the core part is done and proved to work, I decided to build around it while it was working, so I tried for the first time Angular. I wanted to build a dashboard for it to just sit there and watch it do its thing in.

This was the final look of it (sorry for the bad quality of the images):

Another small thing I built on it was a wallet browser to see how much crap I had accumulated over the time (NB: this is only a small portion of the wallet, the bot made around 6000 individual transactions trading more than 500 different coins!):